-Marielle van Uitert-
2013: RISC Training London 5-day course. Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues for freelance conflict journalists. Battlefield Medical Response Training
2012: Modern Standard Arabic Language I and II at Community University
2005 -2008: Dutch School for Photography Amsterdam and Boxtel - feature/documentary
1992 - 1996: University of applied sciences Breda
2021: Netherlands - Zilveren Camera 2020, first price winner Nature and Science (series)
2019: Netherlands - Zilveren Camera 2018, third price winner foreign news (series)
2017: Italy - IntimaLente/Visual Ethnography, first price Phototales: Duterte's War on Drugs
2016: London - Shortlist Sony World Photography Awards, Contemporary Issues
2015: Netherlands - Zilveren Camera 2015, first price winner foreign documentary (series)
2015: Italy - IntimaLente/Visual Ethnography, first price Phototales: God is not for girls
2013: England - Top 20 Professional Photographer of the Year: Category News/Syria
2013: England - Award 24 Hours In World Journalism article and images Syria/Aleppo
2012: Netherlands - Zilveren Camera 2011, second prize winner foreign news
2010: New York – United Nations second prize winner overall with ‘Liquid Gold’
Museum Hilversum
Ullstein Bild (Axel Springer Syndication GmbH Berlin/Germany)
ANP (Den Haag/the Netherlands)
Bye Bye Bullshit, the last 29868 minutes in Afghanistan/d'jonge Hond
Blik op de Oorlog/Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught
LOWEPRO (DeGreef & Partner 2015-2018)
The Afghan Women Skills Development Centre (AWSDC)/Kabul, Unicef & Unie van de Soroptimistclubs: Fundraising "Syrie back to school", Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF)/Bangladesh, Nationaal Comitee 4 en 5 mei: Photo contribution on Syrian war, Nederlandse Rode Kruis: Syrian refugees at Lebanese-Syrian border, Free Press Unlimited: Syrian refugees at Lebanese-Syrian border/Bangladesh, Oxfam Novib Campaigns Pinkpop, Bert Koenders and more
Stichting Zwerfjongeren Nederland (SZN), Eye Care Foundation Nepal/Ghana/Laos, Vebego Foundation Sri Lanka/South Africa/Ghana and Campaign Serious Request, Cordaid/Central African Republic, Forest Peoples Project/Rwanda, HealthNet TPO 2008/Afghanistan/Kabul and Jalalabad, War Trauma, Foundation/Syria/Turkey, Speaking4Earth
New York Times, National Geographic Magazine Nederland, National Geographic Magazine Germany, National Geographic Junior, BBC Wildlife Magazine, Geo France, Quest, Getty Images New York, The Guardian, Die Zeit, Stern Magazine, New Internationalist, De Standaard, VICE, Al Jazeera, Mongabay, L'Echo, Knack, Evening Standard, Metro Uk, Herald Sun, Expresso, de Volkskrant, Elsevier, Parool, HP de Tijd, BBC, BBC News, NRC Handelsblad, NRC Next, Nieuwe Revu, The Telegraph, Huffington Post, Hong Kong Free Press, Independent, La Repubblica, Heute, International Business Times, CBS News, AmericanPhoto, Tehran Times, Hong Kong Free Press, NY Daily News, KNJV, Jours de Chasse, Libelle, Financieel Dagblad, Opzij, Trouw, Telegraaf, AD, Metro NL, RTL news, Stentor, Knevel en vd Brink, BNR, Hart van Nederland, BNN, Nederlands Dagblad, De Tijd, Rangefinder LA, Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, Oxfam Novib, Unicef, J Journal New York, Raw/Shutr Fotomagazine, Focus Magazine, Leeuwarder Courant, Barneveld Nieuws, Leidsch Dagblad, Tubantia, Haaretz, Observatoire des Inegalites, Grazia, Reformatorisch Dagblad, Brabants Dagblad, BndeStem, NCDO Magazine, Spits, Eemlander, IS Magazine, Villamedia Magazine, NIW, Katholiek Nieuwsblad, Ode, Tibet Nu, Himalaya Magazine, Positive Magazine (Italia), Practical Photography, Social Documentary (Boston), Join, Wegener Media, Camera Magazine, DeFOTOgraaf, Amsterdam Weekly, Digital Photographer, Speaking4Earth, Forest Peoples, Cultural Survival, Vrouw.nl, Free Press Unlimited, Zelfkrant, St Zwerfjongeren Nederland, Indigo, C-Heads Magazine, Oprecht Magazine, Digifoto Pro, Apogee Photo, Mijn Natuur, Fotografie.nl, PuzzelBrein, Interpolis/Achmea, VNSG Magazine, Plein Magazine FNV, Annual Report van Gansewinkel, GietbouwNieuws, NOVO3, AIP, TVVL, Good, AGD, TSS, Ede Stad, Woef, Vught Nieuws, DTV Nieuws, AnderZ Magazine, Het Kijkgat, Schoonmaakjournaal, Twinkle,StyleMag.net,Kabul & Kamp Holland - Book Peter ter Velde, AfricaNews, VersPers, OneWorld, Nieuwe Liefde Magazine, De Buitenlandredactie, Persdienst, PhotoNmagazine.eu, Proper Magazine, Clean Totaal, De Buitenlandse Hond, Onze Hond, VPRO gids/NPO Doc, Service Management, Middle East Eye, The Post Online, Grond/Weg/Waterbouw (GWW), Tijd voor Max, ARK Natuurontwikkeling, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Kunstzone, Blad voor de Mond over Persvrijheid Wereldwijd, Wordt Vervolgd/Amnesty International, Pf Magazine, Wolvencommissie Gelderland, Omroep Gelderland, Zoogdier Magazine, Cogiscope, Fabulous Mama Magazine, Margriet, LosVast, De Gelderlander, Panorama, Jyllands Posten, Kristeligt Dagblad,, Jiji Press Photo, Deutschlandradio, MO/MO francais, CNN, Wall Street Journal Daily, NVJ, De Morgen, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Swarovski Optik, MTV, Fox News Channel, Fonk Magazine, SBNL Natuurfonds, Resource (WUR), Wildland Research Institute, BBC Earth Singapore, BBC Knowledge Magazine Taiwan, NBC News, Ströer News Publishing, All Over Press Finland, Wageningen Environmental Research, Provincie Utrecht, Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (IZW), ZDF Terra X History, die Welt, Geo Germany.
Forest Peoples, FNV, Sweco, Gietbouw Centrum, Studio Solarix, Budelpack International, Homeplan, Stichting Zwerfjongeren Nederland, Reisbijbel, VLD, Divers - Welzijn Vught, Oxfam Novib, Stuwadoorsbedrijf van Rooij BV, Interpolis/Achmea, Defensie, HealthNet TPO, Sony Nederland, SAP Nederland, Inter Press Service, Romca Packing, PBid, Baderet, Giftkikker, Avonturenland, LIME Communicatie, Wegener Nieuwsmedia, Minbuza, van Gansewinkel, Coolrec, Apparec, van Hees Elektrotechniek, Stichting Wakker Dier, Eye Care Foundation, Vebego, Vebego Groen, Alpheios, Hago Nederland, Koninklijke Landmacht, StyleVilla, Cordaid, Partner in Content, Duurzaam Gebouw BV, ANP Photo, Tence, Westerveld, Assist, EMC, Fortron, Prisma Facility Management, Stoffels Bleijenberg, Home at the Office, Hago Airport Services, Sunburst, Swiss Servicepool, Yask, Buro voor de Boeg, Eurocross Assistance, Alert, PBO, SVS, RAS, SMT Bouw & Vastgoed, Lumens Groep, Médecins du Monde Netherlands, 365/ArboNed, War Trauma Foundation, MasterKey Nederland, Ministerie van VWS, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, BAM Civiel, Spark, B&B Vakmedianet BV, Ministerie van OCW, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties, Aegon Nederland NV, Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport, Tetto Dakdesign, Multiple Advertising Agencies, Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Ministerie van Defensie, Wolvencommissie Gelderland, Provincie Gelderland, Stroomversnelling Brabant, Cascade, Exit Communicatie, EZ Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, COBALA, Studio Roestvrij, Ziso!, RailSupport, Raad voor de Kinderbescherming, Van Hout Adviseurs & Installateurs, Brabant Woont Slim, SPH, Search&Change, Imes Dexis, Thio Pharma, Swink, BIJ12., VSOPRO